Monday, 16 May 2011

Postcard 6 moving day - to Combe Martin

Well today was supposed to be walking from Lynmouth to Combe Martin but it meant getting up early, driving to Combe Martin, setting up tent then getting the bus to Lynmouth. EASY? I dont think so!! For a start the very nice man in the tent next door spent ages talking to me. I was on go slow and Hiro just stayed in bed and had to be physically moved!

Anyway the upshot was that we left very late!! The car nearly died going up Porlock Hill - now that IS a very big hill! The poor car nearly collapsed going up it- I have no idea how cars got up there pulling a caravan! There were some nearly as bad hills to follow as we drove to Combe Martin. Yet again, I was getting a wake up call about the task in hand!

Anyway we do get to the campsite and I am escorted to the pitch which is numbered and given instructions as to where I can park the car and pitch the tent. Only one problem - the pitch slants in 2 directions I quickly realise that this is going to make sleeping in the tent an act of sleep climbing to stay in the tent and on the thermal mat - not ideal methinks!

It then starts to spot with rain - OK I think Hiro it is time for a cat nap Hiro? - He is in bed already! By the time we wake up it is 2pm - bit late to start walking even a short one! So we decide to do some sightseeing. We visit the Tourist Info Centre where we meet a lovely pair of ladies and we have a long chat about walking, busses and good places to eat! My kind of conversation! In addition one of the ladies was very knowledgeable about the stretch that I would be doing next!

Anyway Combe Martin is a pretty harbour with a very long high street - 2 miles long - granted it is really a long street with shops and services interspersed between many houses! We visited the 'pack of cards' pub which is a very wierd place. History has it that a Duke won the money to build the house in a card game. The pub allegedly has 4 floors, with 13 doors on each floor and 52 windows to symbolise the deck of cards.
Either way it was a funny place which seemed to be a locals pub for a handful of people.

I am still feeling tired and had found it hard to put up the tent as I felt stiff and was starting to have a very irritating cough - anyone would think I had been smoking 40 a day for the last 30 years! So I had another coffee then strolled back to the tent to make tea and have an early night. All to be ready for tomorrows walk!
Hiro is SOOO not objecting!
The best bit about the camp site is that they have a bath albeit at an extra £2 a paddle! I promise myself that I will have a bath before I leave!

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